Classes By

Healing Lindsay

Welcome, seekers of wisdom and healing! Are you intrigued by the ancient arts of Reiki and Shamanism, eager to explore their depths and unlock their transformative potential? If so, allow me to offer you a unique perspective born from my journey as both a Reiki practitioner and a Shaman.

Drawn by a deeper calling, I delved into the ancient traditions of Shamanism, where I found a rich tapestry of rituals, ceremonies, and wisdom teachings that resonate with the essence of Reiki. Through shamanic practices, I've learned to journey into the realms of the spirit, forging alliances with guides and allies to facilitate healing on multidimensional levels.

It is this fusion of Reiki and Shamanism that forms the bedrock of my understanding, offering me a nuanced perspective that bridges the worlds of energy and spirit. Whether you're drawn to the gentle touch of Reiki or the primal call of Shamanism, I invite you to join me on a journey of discovery, where ancient wisdom meets modern healing.


Native American and Peruvian Shaman Origins

If you are interested in Shamanism, this course covers the following outlines:

  1. Core Beliefs and Practices: Understanding the fundamental beliefs and practices of shamanism, such as the belief in spirits, the concept of soul retrieval, and the use of rituals and ceremonies.

  2. Journeying and Trance States: Learning techniques for entering altered states of consciousness, such as drumming, chanting, or meditation, to facilitate communication with spirits and access the spirit realm.

  3. Spirit Guides and Power Animals: Exploring the concept of spirit guides and power animals, which are believed to provide guidance, protection, and assistance to the shaman during spiritual journeys and healing rituals.

  4. Healing Practices: Studying various methods of shamanic healing, including energy work, soul retrieval, extraction of negative energies, and herbal medicine.

  5. Rituals and Ceremonies: Participating in and learning about the significance of shamanic rituals and ceremonies, such as vision quests, sweat lodges, and initiation rites.

  6. Ethics and Responsibility: Discussing the ethical considerations and responsibilities that come with practicing shamanism, including respecting cultural traditions, obtaining consent from clients, and maintaining integrity and authenticity in one's practice.

  7. Integration and Application: Exploring ways to integrate shamanic principles and practices into everyday life, including personal growth, healing, and spiritual development.

  8. Community and Connection: Emphasizing the importance of community support and connection in shamanic practice, including building relationships with fellow practitioners and participating in group rituals and ceremonies.

For more information of length of class & prices please submit a form below

Reiki Level 1-Mastery

Reiki is a spiritual healing practice that originated in Japan in the early 20th century. It is based on the belief that a practitioner can channel universal life energy, known as "ki" or "chi," to promote healing and well-being in individuals. Here's an outline for your class on Reiki:

  1. Introduction to Reiki: Understanding the origins and history of Reiki, including its founder Mikao Usui and the evolution of Reiki as a healing modality.

  2. Principles of Reiki: Exploring the five principles of Reiki, which serve as ethical guidelines for practitioners and promote spiritual growth and healing.

  3. Reiki Attunements: Learning about the process of receiving Reiki attunements, which are energetic initiations that empower individuals to channel Reiki energy for healing themselves and others.

  4. Understanding Energy: Exploring the concept of energy and the role it plays in the human body, as well as how Reiki works to balance and harmonize energy flow.

  5. Hand Placements and Techniques: Practicing hand placements and techniques for administering Reiki healing sessions, including scanning the body for energy imbalances and intuitively directing Reiki energy to where it is needed most.

  6. Self-Healing: Exploring techniques for self-healing with Reiki, including self-treatment hand positions and incorporating Reiki into daily self-care routines.

  7. Distance Healing: Understanding the principles and techniques of distance healing with Reiki, which allows practitioners to send healing energy to individuals who are not physically present.

  8. Ethics and Professionalism: Discussing ethical considerations for practicing Reiki, including respecting clients' autonomy, maintaining confidentiality, and setting clear boundaries.

  9. Integration and Application: Exploring ways to integrate Reiki into various settings and modalities, including healthcare, wellness practices, and personal development.

  10. Case Studies and Practicum: Analyzing case studies and participating in practicum sessions to gain hands-on experience in applying Reiki techniques and principles.

  11. Certification and Continuing Education: Discussing certification requirements for becoming a Reiki practitioner or master teacher, as well as opportunities for continuing education and professional development in Reiki.

For more information regarding which Reiki level to take and class pricing, please submit a form below, thank you!

“You will never be able to escape from your heart. So it is better to listen to what it has to say.” – Paulo Coelho