From the Earth, for the spiritual body

  • Akashic Records

    The Akashic records are considered the repository of every thought and action of every individual, spanning across all lives—past, present, and future, encompassing both positive and negative aspects. Lindsay possesses the ability to assist you in accessing these records, unveiling insights into your soul's journey. Through this exploration, you can navigate karmic imprints and identify past-life barriers that might impede your progress. Delving into the highest realms, we uncover past or future incarnations, facilitating healing and progression in your present life. This journey allows you to inquire of your past or future self, paving the way for personal growth and advancement in your current existence. 1.5hr $170

  • Soul Retrieval

    Soul retrieval, a profound facet within shamanism, revolves around a crucial concept: the experience of trauma often prompts a fragment or aspect of our soul to retreat, fracture, or conceal itself as a protective measure.

    This phenomenon, termed 'soul loss,' involves energetically leaving a part of ourselves at the moment or place of trauma, awaiting an opportunity to reintegrate for healing and completeness. Through gentle guidance and protective measures, I facilitate this journey, aiding in the retrieval process, and nurturing your soul's return to a state of restored wholeness. 4 session minimum

    2hr $200

  • Reiki & Breathwork

    The fusion of breathwork and Reiki creates a powerful synergy, harmonizing the transformative potential of intentional breathing with the healing energy of Reiki. This combined practice offers a holistic approach to wellness, leveraging the profound effects of conscious breathing techniques alongside the gentle, nurturing touch and energy transmission of Reiki.

    Through synchronized breathwork exercises, individuals delve into heightened awareness and inner exploration. As they consciously connect with their breath, releasing tensions and accessing more profound levels of consciousness, the flow of life force energy during Reiki amplifies this process. 1.5hr $150

  • Breathwork

    Breathwork refers to various techniques and practices that involve conscious control and manipulation of the breath to improve physical, mental, and emotional well-being. By focusing on the breath, you can create mindfulness, reduce stress, and access deeper states of relaxation. I will guide based off your needs as we journey together with breath.

    1.5 hrs $135

  • Reiki

    Reiki is a Japanese healing technique that promotes relaxation and stress reduction, aiming to facilitate physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. The word 'Reiki' translates to 'universal life energy,' emphasizing the belief that a life force energy flows through all living beings. During a Reiki, I will channel this energy through my hands, either by placing them lightly on or near your body, or by working remotely. This gentle touch or energy transfer is believed to stimulate the body's natural healing abilities, promoting balance and harmony on all levels.

    1.5 hrs $135

  • Healing Lindsay Divination Reading

    Let spirit be our guide as I receive messages from tarot and oracle cards to give you answers to what questions you need guidance around. We will deep dive into the cards with and channel messages from spirit to guide you down the path that is best for you. Session includes an energy cleansing and reading.

    You have the option of choosing a life path oracle reading as well.

    45min $85